From Colombia, we documented the first virtual session of the GAIA initiative, a project for sensemaking to lean into moments of disruption led by the Presencing Institute in Massachusetts. The event, for the Spanish-speaking communities, summoned nearly 600 people from Latin America and Spain. After a harvesting exercise, carried out in small groups, we presented the result of all the contributions we captured during the conversations.

We also illustrated the work route that will be followed in future meetings, based on the strategy designed by Rachel Hentsch, part of the team that leads the project.

Neither time nor place are barriers to create meaningful dialogues. That is why we take on the challenges of new work dynamics and turn them into opportunities to create memorable experiences. We take advantage of the digital tools we have, such as Zoom, Skype or Microsoft teams, among others, and we make of virtual meetings, webinars, events or courses spaces to promote learning with a practical, entertaining and visual approach.

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